Healthy “People” Food Alternatives for Your Pets

We all know that cute puppy face your dog makes when you’re eating a meal in front of them. However, dogs have a different digestive system than humans, making some human food choices harmful to your pet. 

If you are feeling guilty and want to share a tiny amount of table scraps with your loved ones, here are a few options that are not only safe in moderation (assuming they are not allergic), but provide your pets nutritional value:

Chewing carrots can help remove plaque from their teeth.  Carrots are also a good source of vitamin A, which is beneficial for a dog’s immune system, skin, and coat in moderation. 

Apples provide many types of vitamins and are a good source of fiber to help regulate your dog’s digestive system.  Be sure the apples are ripe and cut into easy-to-chew pieces, with stems and cores removed.  Feeding your dog rotten apples can lead to alcohol poisoning. 

Blueberries are safe for dogs and are a rich source of fiber, antioxidants, and phytochemicals, which can provide a range of health benefits for dogs, including improving age-related issues.  

Bananas are safe in moderation. They’re full of magnesium, which helps promote good bone health, but high in sugar, so should only be shared as an occasional treat. 

Cooked, white rice can help ease your dog’s upset stomach. However, it can cause blood sugar levels to rise, so dogs with diabetes should only eat it in small amounts.

Plain, unseasoned boiled chicken breast is safe to share with your pup and can also help ease an upset stomach. 

Unsalted peanut butter (xylitol free) with no added sugar or sweeteners is safe for dogs to eat in moderation. Peanut butter contains many beneficial elements, including vitamins E and B, niacin, healthful fats, and protein. However, it is vital to check that the peanut butter does not contain a sweetener called xylitol, which is highly toxic to dogs.

Our feline friends can safely eat baked carrots, steamed broccoli, cooked poultry, eggs and tuna when supervised and in moderation.

Always remember to watch out for signs of allergic reactions. Specific needs vary by your pet’s age, breed, size and health so it’s best to consult your veterinarian before making changes to your pet’s diet or activity level. 

Should your pet ingest an item that may be hazardous to their health, make sure they are protected with a pet insurance plan from Nationwide®. Sign up today!


1. Medical News Today “Which people foods are safe for dogs?”